Saturday, June 11, 2005


Rian's palms hurt.

Tiling is rough on the body. Nippers nipping fingers. Back groaning as the saw roars. Perhaps Rian should have put the wet saw on a table, yes? But the garage floor worked just as well. Four hours of putting a black and white puzzle together on Rian's bathroom floor. Tomorrow I shall mortar, yes? Dr. Lorimer says 'Mortar patiently.'

Rian is never patient.

A third dead bird today. The Bird Curse Returneth, indeed. Rian used an overly large shovel - as Rian's trowel has been suddenly stolen by Gnomes or squirrels or little hands - to dispose of the small corpse. Meaning the corpse on the shovel blade, yes? And the bird tossed into the ivy. One of many small victims.

Rian would not be a very good Undertaker. I do not cry at funerals.