Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Today Rian burned down the town hall with nothing more than a match, a sparrow, and a lick of hay.

Very well. Perhaps not. Unfortunately for Keppet, Rian is not a ttch as exciting as Garvin. I shall have to work on schizophrenic leanings.

...Rian did once nick a stalker with a pair of Ginger scissors and to the Law about it. Does that count, O Keppet, my heart?

Rian has not touched a computer for two weeks. Rian planned to go the entire trip without it, just to prove a point, to my Self, yes?

But then Heartsister set her laptop on the table and said, "Here is the password. I know you want it."

But I do not NEED it, Rian said to Self, all day long. Twelve hours until I gave in, yes? And just this once. To see if The Package has been sent from stop in HERE...

I shall not touch the machine again. One lapse in two plus weeks is still a Point Proved.