Thursday, July 28, 2005


So. What started out as a faucet shopping expidition suddenly became a morning about androids.

Rian wanted a faucet with porcelain handles. 8 inch. Rian had a ttch trouble at Lowe's finding one. But the Lowe's Faucet Fellow was extremely helpful. So helpful that somehow we wound around to the subject of the recently unveiled Japanese robot.

The Faucet Fellow seemed to think this robot...whose name Rian has not bothered to look up...was the most wonderful new creation on the planet.

"Beautiful!" He raptured. "Her skin! Her hair! So real! Can you imagine? Have you heard about her?"

Rian had, half asleep, whilst listening to George Noory. Rian had been curious, but not enough to take time precious time from the morning to look her up. However, after the Faucet Fellow's bliss, she stuck in Rian's mind.

What, Rian wondered whilst running red lights home, do I think of a robot who looks entirely human? It is the I, Robot story all over again? Why do I feel faintly frightened?

So Rian looked her up. She IS beautiful, if a trifle epileptic. But, yes...I think she is empty. Even in those lovely eyes...nothing.

She makes me shiver. What is a shell that can be filled with anything? Absolutely anything?

Of course, the answer may be: human.