Things Remembered
The blazing fire on MR's hearth and Keppet's adverse reaction.
A real 'English Fry Up' cooked deftly by Keppet on the World's Smallest Gas Oven.
Darjeeling has an actual TASTE, yes?
A red telephone booth.
The local bookstore and the World's Most Uninventoried Salad Spoons found within.
The homeless man found without and his comments on Keppet's low, dark energy. She had better change it before she 'passes on'.
The Cat Who Could Be Charmed.
Keppet seated on her bed hemming a red silk gown with long pale hands.
'Lamb fat' in the fridge. Rian wondered where she had hid the poor lamb bones.
MR's angels.
A train ride Interrupted.
A taxi ride Zigzagging.
Pommegranit Ma...Ma...Masomethings.
Dancing with a disco ball attired Russian.
The first and only Rian witnessed stretching line for the MALE toilets. What, they had only one urinal?
Returning alone from the female toilets only to be accosted by a drunk cowboy, arms stretched wide: "Where have you been all my life?"
The revolving skyscraper.
Top of the Mark...Rian's new Abode.
Did Keppet snore in the towncar home? Or was that MR?
Tales of a Virtual Birthday Cake.
Mater's Moravian Delight. Where IS Moravia?
Sunlight. Again.
Keppet being passed Red Velvet Birthday cake by a complete stranger. She seems to attract them. Complete strangers, Rian means.
Blue Sun tshirts.
The spray can in The Dream's Trunk protesting Rian's overloaded suitcase. And Keppet cursing!
...Rian left a razor in MR's shower. Now I fear Keppet will produce Spoilt Clones from Rian's underarm DNA. Blech.
A real 'English Fry Up' cooked deftly by Keppet on the World's Smallest Gas Oven.
Darjeeling has an actual TASTE, yes?
A red telephone booth.
The local bookstore and the World's Most Uninventoried Salad Spoons found within.
The homeless man found without and his comments on Keppet's low, dark energy. She had better change it before she 'passes on'.
The Cat Who Could Be Charmed.
Keppet seated on her bed hemming a red silk gown with long pale hands.
'Lamb fat' in the fridge. Rian wondered where she had hid the poor lamb bones.
MR's angels.
A train ride Interrupted.
A taxi ride Zigzagging.
Pommegranit Ma...Ma...Masomethings.
Dancing with a disco ball attired Russian.
The first and only Rian witnessed stretching line for the MALE toilets. What, they had only one urinal?
Returning alone from the female toilets only to be accosted by a drunk cowboy, arms stretched wide: "Where have you been all my life?"
The revolving skyscraper.
Top of the Mark...Rian's new Abode.
Did Keppet snore in the towncar home? Or was that MR?
Tales of a Virtual Birthday Cake.
Mater's Moravian Delight. Where IS Moravia?
Sunlight. Again.
Keppet being passed Red Velvet Birthday cake by a complete stranger. She seems to attract them. Complete strangers, Rian means.
Blue Sun tshirts.
The spray can in The Dream's Trunk protesting Rian's overloaded suitcase. And Keppet cursing!
...Rian left a razor in MR's shower. Now I fear Keppet will produce Spoilt Clones from Rian's underarm DNA. Blech.
Keppet seated on her bed hemming a red silk gown with long pale hands
I know have visions of Keppet as the fool in a small hut in the mountains, being watched by Fitz.
Tis the 'long pale hands' imagery that does it.
Whose hands were they?
And it was MR! MR I say! I do not snore... and as I recall it was more of a snort she made.
Just so you know, I'm jealous. Jealous!
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