Tuesday, June 12, 2007

All Clean*

Good news, Rian thinks. The surgeon said the radiologists in town are very good and if they qualified something as "probably benign" (which apparently they did) the three nodules have only a 3 percent likelihood of being malignant. He said he will talk to the radiologist and if the diagnosis was on the line, they will do an ultrasound, but otherwise they simply want Rian to have another MRI in 6 months.

He did not seem concerned.

*lazily copied from an email


Blogger Mickie Poe said...

Thanks, doll, for the update and the good news! I've been thinking about you every day! (Don't tell the S.O.)

9:56 AM  
Blogger La Tulipe said...

Oh? Blushing, I am.

Do come and play, love. Rian will even buy you a Jolly Rancher Lipton Tea.

One hopes Mickie Rae has also been seeing her doctor regularly for check ups.

11:15 AM  
Blogger Skywolf said...


Everything crossed for continued benignness, beloved Rian.

*pops champagne*

11:44 AM  
Blogger keppet said...

I admit to being too worried to even say anything... I am generally a worried bear lately. I guess two bits of good news in one day and made me more brave though and now I can ask... nodules? Is it odd to have them or does everyone have them? How did Rian know to have an MRI in the first place?

1:47 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Excellent, Rian. Very good news indeed. :)

3:17 PM  
Blogger Emano said...

Excellent, excellent.

It doesn't count as "lazily copied from an email" since you wrote the email to begin with.

4:32 PM  
Blogger La Tulipe said...

And here Rian supposed Keppet was too busy recovering from skittledog to take note.

says Rian, wickedly.

Despite implication, Rian is no Breast Expert. (leers) One supposes a nodule is a small lump? People have lumps, cysts, etc. Rian had the MRI because someday cancer will kill me.

says Rian, more wickedly.

Thank ye for the good wishes, all. Rian is sure it helped.

5:37 PM  
Blogger Ata said...

Hooray! All clear! I think another Tim-Tam dance is in order!

5:41 AM  
Blogger keppet said...

Rian thought about me not taking note? Sorry. I should mention taking note in the future even if I don't have the words to do much else.

"someday cancer will kill me."

Isn't it something like one in four people die from cancer? And yet I don't see one in four people queueing for MRIs... Though maybe we all should. So I guess Rian is very brave to fight cancer head on. Maybe ensuring that she is one of those three that do not (and die of a heart attack instead...).

I wish I was as brave. But I cower in fear instead. I am too young not to be immortal.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

If I'm ever a vampire, Kepp, I'll fix you up.

Despite implication, Rian is no Breast Expert. (leers)

Heh heh heh.

I'm very glad of the good news. *grin* I've been thinking about you!

11:39 PM  
Blogger transparency said...

Benign !
The Tim-Tam dance made them sheepish and begnign, and sucked the malevolence out of them.
Hurray !
This deserves the lighting of a Wish Candle.

4:54 PM  
Blogger skittledog said...

I'm glad.

3:29 PM  

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