Thursday, July 12, 2007


This morning, Aidan was dashing about the house nekkid whilst Rian tried to get clothes put on. He was mostly a flash of very white buttocks and tan shoulders.

Suddenly he stopped and grasped his genitals with one hand. "Mom! Mom!"

"Yessss?" said Rian suspiciously.

"Look! Look! I have an egg on my penis."

"....." thought Rian. And then, "Those are called balls, Aidan. And you have two of them."

"No, mom! I'm going to call them eggs!"

I am sure Rian never once imagined my life thusly.


Blogger Ata said...

Aaah... the simple joys of motherhood.

5:04 PM  
Blogger H said...

Yopu should have told him "testicles" makes it more amusing when he blurts it out in public. Like my niece, whose mother is a nurse. When my neice was a toddler. I was giving her a bath once and she kept pointing down and saying "China!" I said ok, all the way on the other side of the world, yes. She Looked puzzled, did a more precise display and said 'china"
and I realized it was va-china. Her mother had told her the proper name of parts.

9:30 PM  
Blogger keppet said...

You had me at nekkid.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Skywolf said...

*fits of laughter*

And I was taught all the proper names too. I used to find it highly amusing as a small child to find out what other children called their... bits. I used to find 'front bottom' the most hilarious one.

7:18 AM  
Blogger Emano said...

I just experienced a similar thing with Aurora when she ran into the room holding a coloring book saying, "Anyone with bras can color with me!" She apparently thought "breasts" are called "bras." Liz and Josh were very amused as they overheard me trying to set her straight.

I, for one, will never look at scrambled eggs the same way again.

7:26 AM  
Blogger biped said...

Alas, Aidan wasns't the first to name his balls eggs. Germans have been doing it for centuries.

1:32 PM  

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