Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Rian's fever has finally turned...what is the word?...SYSTEMIC?

I am green and sick and can keep nothing down but cherries. If that.

This inconvenience, however, did not keep Terrible Rian from torturing the Tree Fellow with wasps.

"Ya got," he said wisely, on his way out Rian's back gate, "a wasps' nest, yeah?"

"Hmmm," said Rian, eyeing the hive in question. "They build quickly."

"Nasty bugs. Oughta take it down, quick."

"Very well." Always obedient, Rian ducked into the kitchen for a broom.

"Now?" The Tree Fellow howled upon Rian's return. "That's dangerous. They'll get mad."

"No doubt," said Rian, stretching high on bare feet to knock at the nest. "Although I do not plan to stand still and taunt them."

"You're supposed to wait until after dark," said he, edging away through the gate, "or spray them with that STUFF. After DARK."

"Pffft!" Said Rian, and elegantly knocked the entire hive to the ground. Where, of course, it split into pieces freeing angry winged insects.

"Run!" Cried the Tree Fellow, and did so.

"Pffft!" Said Rian once more, stalked back into the kitchen, and was elegantly sick into the basin.

When the wasps have abandoned ship, Rian shall gather hive bits for Aidan to examine. A Home from Thin Air.