Sunday, August 14, 2005


Rian&Co. spent yesterday night at an aquaintance's house, drinking rhubarb wine over salmon cakes and watching her three schnausers chase mice in the back garden.

After the sun set we meandered downstairs through a veritable bevy of sea themed decorations and curled in a bundle of dog and human before her lover's big screen television. The choice of the night was Million Dollar Baby.

Rian rather enjoyed the movie, despite the violence - Rian cannot stand boxing. Two souls struggling to find something more is always engrossing. But the ending. Ah, the ending! Terribly heart breaking.

Sometimes, at odd moments, I find my Self distanced from life, as though suddenly disconnected. A ghost looking down on upon a living snapshot.

Down upon the tangle of breathing creatures before the television. In the dark. The dogs snoring and the small sounds of stifled weeping or held breath.

And Rian, sitting still before my Self on the couch, eyes dry, heart aching, still but for the twitch of one hand against the thumb of the other. Twist, twist, twisting the thick ring that lives there.

"Ah!" Said the disconnect Ghost self. "Rian has developed a new nervous habit. Will it stick?"


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