Sunday, August 07, 2005

Too Much Fruit Fly

Rian dreampt last night of alien bees. Wasps, perhaps. Alien creatures that took the form of wasps. They lived in the chest of human hosts, yes? And chased Rian plus a childhood friend around and around through the halls of an endless church. If one spread low across the floor, covering eyes and ears and nose and mouth, one might escape their attack.

In the dream Rian feared nothing more than that one of the tiny buzzing creatures would burrow in through an eye or ear or nose.

Toward the very end Rian escaped the linoleumed church hallways into the night and there was swamp land all around. Tall reeds waving beneath a full moon. A an ivied slope to scramble down and a pond with fireflies to ford. A lovely white cottage with roses twining across a gazebo and bridge. And a small dark haired woman in a white dress waiting amongst the roses.

She was very kind but something about her frightened Rian. The moon grew higher and brighter and Rian crawled down to hide in the mud under the arching bridge. Through a crack in the planks Rian could see the woman shed her dress and pull apart her ribs and out swarmed hoards of bees.

I covered my eyes and ears and buried mouth and nose in the mud, but I knew that this time I was lost. As I felt tiny legs across the back of my neck, I woke.


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