Sunday, October 02, 2005

Animal House

Rian's Adventure at the Blessing of the Animals took roughly four hours to complete successfully.

Rian, Aidan, and Freddie arrived early as we had been warned that the seats fill up very quickly. And they did, indeed. In drivels and sweeps and barking hoards, the chapel filled. Aidan and Rian and Freddie sat in the very back pew as a toddler does not generally enjoy Church services and THIS toddler had already glimpsed the donuts being set out for after the Blessing.

Freddie was provided with both crate and halter. The crate was a Good Idea. He did not mind the thirty dogs, fifteen cats, six mice, four hermit crabs, one bunny, four chickens, nor the tarantula nor guppy. He DID begin to mind the sudden crush of people. He moved from Rian's lap to the crate and hid his face in the provided crate towel.

A young Golden named Picasso sat on the pew directly in front of Rian. He was a sweet soul and his owner allowed Aidan to feed him biscuits through the service. Donuts were quickly forgotten.

When it came time for the blessing, creatures were freed from crates and bags and pillowcases and perches and walked down the aisle for the laying of hands. Freddie climbed Rian's shoulder and yowled the entire way. People started turning in pews.

"What kind of cat is that?" They asked.

Rian began to count. Twenty three "What kind of cat is that?", one (from a young boy) "That isnt' really a CAT, is it?", four "He looks like an ocelot." and one "Let me take your picture." from a random grey haired person. And one desperate offering of name and address to be passed on by Rian to Freddie's breeder.

Freddie took the laying on of hands quite well. Rian nearly stepped in a suspicious large wet puddle by the communion rail. Aidan and Rian recrated a very relieved cat and the service let out in a rush.

We stopped to admire a lovely pair of HUGE Irish Wolfhounds and as such missed out on the donuts.


Blogger Skywolf said...

It sounds fabulous. :)

I would have liked to be there. Perhaps with Ricardo in a large jar, although Mysty would have been the best behaved choice. Hoot would have simply chased his tail and wanted to play with every other creature in sight.

7:17 AM  
Blogger Ata said...

I wants me a Irish Wolfhound...

Could Rian not have appropriated one for me?

Darnit, that's right, pesky theft/dognapping/quarantine laws. Ata knew there was a floor in this plan.

2:55 AM  
Blogger La Tulipe said...

Also, the hounds might have eaten Rian as an After Blessing Snack.

1:48 PM  

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