Thursday, January 12, 2006


Rian purchased a hat for Someone Else's grandmother this morning. Tis a birthday gift, so Rian had the Nordstrom's clerk put the hat into a large shiny silver hat box. The hat box itself was very pretty, and the present will be appreciated.

Afterward, hat box in one hand and Aidan's fist in the other, Rian wandered through Pottery Barn, glotzing leather couches and organizational systems and lamps the colour of sunshine.

I purchases a small something for a friend, and as Rian was handing over plastic, the clerk grabbed my hand. His tag said his name was James and he was, despite Rian's reluctance to box, obviously very gay and happy to be so.

"Your ring!" he said, fawning over Rian's rather chunky jewelry. "I've seen one just like it in Vogue! I love it!"

"Oh?" said Rian, amused. "Thank you."

"I've been thinking of getting one myself," James continued, pleased when Rian tugged off the ring for his examination. "But with a lion's head on it. What do you think?"

"Perfect," said Rian, trying very hard not to twinkle. "Just think of the damage you could do in a fist fight."

James laughed obediently, rang up Rian's purchase, and Aidan and Rian were ready to be off.
At that moment, however, as Rian juggled parcels and returned ring and a little person's reluctant hand, the hat box decided to make a break for it.

Sparkling in the display lights, the box fell from the concrete counter, landed perfectly on one edge, and merrily began rolling past leather couches and organizational systerms and lamps the colour of sunshine.

"Oh, dear!" snickered Rian. "Look at it go. Who would have guessed it could pick up such speed."

James, being a kind soul, made a motion to chase after. Rian shook head and sent Aidan in chase instead. The hat box rolled over a perfectly beautifully red oriental rug, around a self of candles and silver frames, and fetched up against a cutstomer's shin.

The customer was not amused.

Rian, James and Aidan were. Retail should always be so exicting.


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