Sunday, February 19, 2006


Whilst attending an 'Artist Amongst Us' bazaar at Rian's local church, Rian decided to step into the adult forum and see what was being discussed.

Twas "The Rapture Exposed" or 'Why the Left Behind Series Should be'*.

The speaker, truth be told, had little to say about Rossing's book. He was speaking, mostly, on his own views of the book of Revelations as both a minister and an historian.

To very quickly paraphrase, Our Speaker believes that the apocalyptic book was speaking of the fall of Empires rather than the End of the World - most specifically the fall of Rome.

Rian, who most likely could not find the Book of Daniel in the Bible unless given twenty minutes to flip pages, nevertheless finds the entire book terribly interesting, especially from an historical stand point. The opressor Rome, referred to as the Devil? Of course.

Our Speaker's true point was that even although tis unlikely we need to prepare for the end of the world by next Thursday all empires eventually fall and that it is not impossible the United States will eventually go the way of Babylon. Therefore, as the Haves, we should put little stock in our material hearts, as eventually the Haves may become the Have Nots.

Influence the world, not thy pocketbook.

This, oddly, made Rian think favorably of skittledog.

*Rian's additon.


Blogger skittledog said...


12:04 PM  

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