Follow Thy Dreams

The building bit is out of the question, but this morning Rian toodled off to an unfinished furniture store and found a chest. This afternoon Rian picked up paint.
I know nothing about decoupage. I canna even say it. And I have yet to figure out how to paint a steady monogram on the top...Rian supposes computers and stencils will come into it. What is life if not one big dream chase-ed?
*cut outs pasted and then shellacked onto furniture, thusly immating art.
My Mom did the same for both me and my brother (to chests built by my grandfather and father) when we were a little younger than Princess Little Person. Mine was only painted and stenciled. I think she didn't figure out the decoupage until later.
Rian will of course, photograph the progress?
Once Rian learns the correct use of new/knew.
I am too lazy to edit.
Rian was an english major, truly.
Rian was an english major, truly.
i would never have dreampt that!
and i too look forward to the chest development photographs
*bland expression*
do you have a theme for the chest? Beasts? Fairies? Trees?
I think it's a most lovely idea for a birthday, only topped by a chest decoupaged and filled to the rim with toys. I was a greedy child.
Ooh, I love decoupage. It just looks so beautiful. I have attempted it myself a couple of times, with varying degrees of success. But it's a very satisfying and rewarding task, even if it doesn't turn out perfectly. And it's so nice collecting all the images you're going to use... cutting things out here, printing things off there. Lovely.
We must see the finished item!
My mother did some decoupage that turned out nicely, and she is no where near as handy as you are. *smiles* Have fun with it!
Flowyks needs to give Poor Rian some tips. As I have no idea where I am going. Other than it will involve botanicals.
And, after reading Myo's post, Unbearably Beautiful's turned suddenly smutty.
I am never smutty.
Ah, that is a good point about life. Unfortunately, all my dreams are about zombies.
I am never smutty.
Liar. And I can just see you saying that with a straight face.
My favourite cafe in Castlemaine has decoupaged tables, and they're fantastic. All colourful and spectacular. I don't think it's really that hard. *considers* Provided you have a good eye. Rian, you'll be fine.
*inserts smutty joke about Rian's chest here*
What does shellacked mean? I just have an image of Rian, a magazine, a pair of scissors and a large tub of PVA glue. Am I close?
Very close. Only, zombies may be involved. And HUGE...
...tracts of land.
Actually, tiny bugs are involved in the production of shellac
I bet kepp's eyes glaze over (like a fine varnish) before she gets to the end of that article.
Myo is glad she read all the article. Myo knew what shellac was, having seen a big bag of the stuff at work many many many many years ago when we were having a clean up that was almost an archeological dig. Always wondered what on earth our predecessors had that bag of shellac on the premises for. Now I know!
Hmm. I'm not sure I'm qualified to give decoupage tips. But one thing I would say is make sure you have handy a ruler or popsicle stick or something with which to smooth out the freshly stuck-on images. And make sure you stick them on with plenty of liquid glue. I stuck some on with gluestick once and then proceeded to wet glue over the top. The images went all wrinkly and horrible even though I'd smoothed them out. Gluestick doesn't seem to work once the top of the image is wet... it doesn't give even stickage underneath or something.
So yes. Paste them on with plenty of Elmer's, smooth them out immediately from the centre outwards with your ruler or whatever, and only then begin layering your glue over the top. I'm not sure if it's best to let them dry on before applying the first layer... do bear in mind that this is hardly professional advice here. Just the benefit of my own trial and mostly error attempts.
Good luck! *smiles sweetly*
I actually wanted to read Myo's shellac link but it's not working. Guess I have to kill time in more ocnventional ways.
Myo could have saved me from a night in the pub.
It was only when biped said it didn't work that I suddenly wanted to read Myo's article...
I must say that gluing pictures onto furniture sounds like something you'd do in playschool.
And now I will go before I insult Rian further...
Rian is insulted.
Make recompense.
Preferably with the loud singing of tacky show tunes in public.
dammit. i wouldn't mind having another look at myo's shellac link too.
what went wrong with the link?
perhaps i linked to Secret Information, and it has been Removed
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