Thursday, August 18, 2005


The doctors gave Rian's mother's mother an evaluation this morning.

The doctor - we shall call him Dr. Bob - said, among other things, that he has been giving her a 'mental acuity' test once a year ever since she started falling into dementia. A 'normal' human brain apparently scores a 30.

Three years ago Rian's grandmother was a 20. Two years ago, at 10. One week before her heart attack, she was a 4.

Dr. Bob also continued to repeat: "The heart attack should have killed her. She should be dead. She should be dead."

Twas the reiterated 'she should be dead' that made Rian's uncle most furious.

A 4. Her Self is nearly gone, tethered to life by a tenuous thread. Rian imagines a fish on the line or a thread on a nail.

Since her heart attack she must be told to swallow, or she will simply hold food in her mouth.

What makes the body persist so stubbornly against the tide? Or is it those that nurse the body that keeps it from drowning?


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