Sunday, September 18, 2005

Chilling Effect

Early this morning Rian attended a lecture by the librarian of Gonzaga University.

She was lecturing on the dangers of the Patriot Act.

Specifically, the dangers to libraries. And how librarians are going about trying to protect the individual's privacy.

Did ye know, for instance, the FBI can stalk into any library and demand any individual's past library records. And along with this arrogance goes a gag order...the library effected is not allowed to speak about the investigation, even to the individual investigated.

The Gonzaga Librarian spoke about how libraries across the country are destroying as many paper records as possible.

She spoke about a Seattle public librarian who began his staff meetings every week with the words: "The FBI did not visit this library this week." Until one week he started the meeting without those words.

"Did you forget something?" His staff asked.

"No." The librarian said.

"Are you sure?" The staff fretted.

"I forgot nothing." The librarian replied.

Imagine that. We are reduced to speaking in code in order to protect our privacy.


Blogger H said...

Yes. And in the airport one hauls the lap top out of its case, drops it into a bin, drops keys and monet in another, removes belt and shoes and coat into more bins, waits and waits periodically pulled out of line everything in carryons dumped onto a table and rifled through, detectors passed over body, and maybe an impersonal groping.

An old woman with circulatory problems is forced through the same routine, looking bewildered and embarrased as she struggles with her shoes.

Do I feel safer? No I feel at more risk, and violated.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

I was told a tale of an Australian woman living with her husband in America. She played the organ in their local church. She was paid a token sum, which she donated back to the church. One Sunday morning, the FBI seized, detained and strip-searched her. Her husband did not hear from her for three days, all because she did not have the proper working visa. She was eventually deported.

This isn't some urban myth. The woman who told me of the story was best friends with the unfortunate woman.

It makes you wonder, doesn't it?

3:43 AM  

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