Says the Electrician to Rian, "Ya know, that circuit box you have down there, that Zantrek*..."
"Yes?" says Rian.
"...that brand's a real death trap. Lotsa horror stories. Breakers not tripping, houses burning down."
"Yip," says Rian.
"But!" says the Electrician to Rian, fake smile plastered on face, "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, I mean, this house has been standing just fine for...what...90 years? I'm sure it's just fine."
"Oh, wonderful. NOW you've jinxed it," cries Rian, and goes to hide under the chaise.
* or some brand that starts with a Z.
"Yes?" says Rian.
"...that brand's a real death trap. Lotsa horror stories. Breakers not tripping, houses burning down."
"Yip," says Rian.
"But!" says the Electrician to Rian, fake smile plastered on face, "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, I mean, this house has been standing just fine for...what...90 years? I'm sure it's just fine."
"Oh, wonderful. NOW you've jinxed it," cries Rian, and goes to hide under the chaise.
* or some brand that starts with a Z.
Let me un-jinx that for you.
There, all un-jinxed
Well, and.
He only charged Rian 375 for nine straight hours of hard work.
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