Thursday, November 02, 2006

Things Learn(t) On A Snowy Day

Things Rian learn(t) today:

1. How to drain a boiler. One should turn off the gas and water first.

2. How to diaper a leaking radiator and thusly keep it dry all night long. The triumph must be that 'dri-lok'.

3. That the Wraeththu waif Rian has been glotzing in ceramics is only 16. (Ye gods of small fishes, I am going to Hades.)

4. That wood stained in below freezing weather will not dry...and will not dry...and will not dry...

5. That Williams-Sonoma sells premade cocktail frosters.

6. That Aidan has secretly been feeding Flat Freddie the foods he (Aidan) does not like.

7. That Rian's guilt about not doing NaNoWriMo this year has faded Very Quickly.

8. That typing in coffee houses makes Rian feel, oddly, like Byron. Shall I bow and flirt?

9. That Mickie Rae has 458 words but no excerpt. Put up an excerpt!


10. That a Dear Friend has rubber band ball envy.


11. That Rian really, really, really, REALLY misses chocolate.


Blogger Emma said...

3. That the Wraeththu waif Rian has been glotzing in ceramics is only 16. (Ye gods of small fishes, I am going to Hades.)


And what are you typing, if not the Nano?

6:21 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

...and I need to send you Timtams.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

So, what do I have to bribe you with for a picture of the Wraeththu jail bait? I'm sure you can get a photo with him in it quite easily. *grins*

6:36 PM  
Blogger La Tulipe said...

Eh. Yessss, jesic. Easily done, I am sure.

"Say...can I take a picture of thy pottery? No, no. Hold the vase please, yes, yes. Against the naked chest. Shake thy hair! Work it, waif, work it..."

Emma love, Rian is finishing Bliss. One Friday at a time.

7:37 PM  
Blogger Ata said...

Today I ate three TimTams. No, four - I forgot the breakfast TimTam. Mmm. Ata is not missing chocolate, never ever.

12:13 AM  
Blogger Mickie Poe said...

Wednesdays and Thursdays are hard for me to write or be online because they are my "girl nights" where I sit and drink with my friend and we eat too much and mock Anna Nicole on ET. Wait till this weekend, sistergirlfriend! I'm going to update the heck out of Nano!

6:33 AM  
Blogger La Tulipe said...

One hopes Mickie is also mocking Tom Cruise whilst eating too much.

...num Breakfast TimTams.

Rian is drooling. Elegantly, of course.

7:46 AM  
Blogger TitleTroubles said...

Flat Freddie? Is there not an extra letter in that name? An extraneous L perhaps?

1:17 PM  
Blogger La Tulipe said...

No. Dr. Lorimer asked the same thing.

Locally he is known as 'Flat Freddie' after a toy that Someone Elses' parents once owned: it was a stuffed feline that had been flattened by a car wheel.

Rian supposes they think Freddie is equally flat.

Only Dr. Lorimer thinks he is FAT.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

"Hold the vase please, yes, yes. Against the naked chest. Shake thy hair!"

*sniggers* He's sixteen. He'll do anything. ;)

3:49 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

Just bribe him with alcohol. Unless you get carded, of course. *snigger*

Emma love, Rian is finishing Bliss. One Friday at a time.

Ooh! Ooooh! That's wonderful! What are you going to do with it when you've finished?

6:39 PM  
Blogger La Tulipe said...

Use it to bribe Q, of course.

..says Rian, owl eyed.

10:02 AM  

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