La Tulipe

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Monday, July 31, 2006


Rian is away on the Santa Barbara beaches, sipping iced Chai and chasing young surfers with elegant opera glasses whilst soaking up the weather.

Please leave thy jealous message after the BEEP.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Too Many Doors

Posted by Picasa Garage Door, Door off the Bathroom, Beloved Door, and new Salvage Yard Door, purchased today for 25 dollars.

Measure Thrice, Cut Once

The door does not fit.

The door does not fit.

The door does not fit.

Ah, well. Ye win some, ye lose some. In a big ugly snarling way.

The door does not fit.

Rian knew we would have to shave some off length wise, but I did not figure for width. Afterall, surely all the doors in this house are the same width? Surely? SURELY.

The door does not fit.

Well. Back to the drawing board. Or the salvage yard, as the case may be.

Any creature want a door?

Friday, July 28, 2006

Door, East Side

Posted by Picasa All finished. This weekend we shall have a hanging. Of the door.

Rian is getting better with each side. By the time Rian finishes the Yet To Be Unearthed Door II, I shall be an expert.

Hot Cat

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Possible Truths

"Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends."

- Six Feet Under, Fini


I am an old man wearing old bones, old clothes, the dogs of discontent tasting my shredded sorrows. I am bent low, cold veined, dry at the jugular. The sky that was red has become grey and if I could would I rejoice at the level flat line?

Memories linger longer than I.


Rian laughed in the face of an Important Partner last night at the baseball game.

Rian should first point out that I had had nothing to drink but some Coke. Although Rian may have overdosed on cracked peanuts.

We shall call the partner Zed, yes? Zed is a very staid, serious, well dressed, tan, dark eyebrowed, single...did Rian say serious?...cook, wine maker, pig roaster, runner and generally nice fellow who is mostly concerned with Zed's Self. As we all are. Eh. Concerned with our OWN Selves.

So. Zed sat in one corner of the box, silk Hawaiin shirt gently billowing, eyes on the baseball game below. Rian stood next to him, one hand on the tail of my son's shirt, trying to keep Aidan from going over the box wall and into the field.

"Hey," said Zed, trying to ignore Aidan.

"Hallo," said Rian, trying to pretend Aidan was not trying to squirm free.

"How's it going?"

"Oh, peachy," said Rian, snatching peanuts from Aidan's hand before he could toss them at the Giant Blue Dinosaur Mascot.

So. We talked some about the Firm. Some about Zed's home town and the orchard he grew up in. Some about feet.

"Going on any vacations this Summer?" Zed asked.

"Yesss. Santa Barbara next week and then NY in September."

Zed nodded. And nodded. And nodded some more, silently.

Rian, perhaps heat struck, could not help it. Rian laughed. Hard.

Zed froze. And then his eyes bugged out. Just like a cartoon elephant who has suddenly seen a mouse.

"Why are you laughing?" Zed asked, completely baffled.

"You look so serious," snickered Rian. "What in the world are you thinking?"

Zed paused, staring. And then he smiled.

"This," he said, " is what I was thinking..."


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

For Narrisch

Posted by Picasa AVA blooming amongst friends.

Reasons Why

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Possible Truths

"Pain has an element of blank:
It cannot recollect,
When it begun, or if there were
A day when it was not - "

- Dickinson


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Reasons Why

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Friday, July 21, 2006


Today Rian learned that one of the new drugs Rian's parent has just started taking will cause skin to peel off in 'thick layers'.

This disturbs Rian somewhat. Very well, immensely.

Vertical Slats

Posted by Picasa Not yet straight nor nailed in, but ye get the idea, yes? Rian will have to cut, sand and stain 25 more of those slats before moving onto the wider and more complicated horizontal trim. Somehow Rian thinks my hope that 'the room would be finished before the Aussies arrive' is looking a ttch thin.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Do Not Taunt Flubber

Or, for that matter, let it live in thy Abode.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Growing Up

In a span of four days Aidan has learned to:

1. Dive off the dock into deep water.

2. Pee in the woods on command, correctly aiming at and 'shooting' a pinecone.

3. Call his cousin 'poopyhead'.

4. Start a furtive Cheese War in Rian's living room.

5. And choose Batman underwear over Bob The Builder.

The boy is becoming a man.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Possible Truths

"What can I say? I need closure."

- Angel

Friday, July 14, 2006

Only In The Olde Country


Rian is beginning to fear that a yeti has taken over Rian's back garden wall as his (or her, to be fair) own personal toilet.

The size of the deposits are alarming, and the war is escalating. Rian is beginning to consider a popgun and a net.

Door, West Side, Stained

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

One Light, Two Light, Red Light, New Light

Posted by PicasaThe white light is a member of the Olde Set, blown in 1900s. The red is a member of the New Set. Compare and Discuss Amongst ThySelves.

Why Red?

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Monday, July 10, 2006

Local Beauty


Someone Else is going in for another EKG this Friday. As the stress increases at work, he has more chest pain, and as the chest pain occurs, he becomes more stressed out. An unpleasant cycle.

Rian is glad he is going to have another test, if only to put his mind at ease. But it also makes Rian selfishly irritated. Rian is supposed to become ill and infirm first. Not another loved one. For has not Rian had enough of that to last a life time?

Rian wants Guaruntees. Please do not apply for Rian's heart unless ye have one.

How horrible I am.


Posted by Picasa New Olde Door #1. Found amongst the pipes in Rian's basement. And covered with at least six layers of paint.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Possible Truths

"Take the red pill. You know you wanna."

- Wonderfalls

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


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Bobbing Black Sheep

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Row On

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Possible Truths

"...for all parts were authentically within, waiting to be coaxed out by one person or another, by one set of circumstances or another, and it pleased her to make this discovery."

- Anita Shreve

Sunday, July 02, 2006

RianRowed. And swam. Is sunburnt in odd hieroglyphic patterns. Saw 16 baby geese and one baby greeb upon his father's back. Watched Young Black Sheep practice his dives. Played poker.
And now, at 4 in the afternoon, Rian is ready for bed.

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